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Fierté Multi-Academy Trust

Our Family of Schools

Assessment and National Tests

Assessment for learning is at the centre of teaching and learning at Dosthill Primary Academy.


FFT Aspire Pupil Tracking

Teachers at Dosthill Primary Academy will make use of the FFT Aspire Pupil Tracking system to record all assessment outcomes including Teacher Assessments and Standardised Tests.

Teachers’ summative assessment

Taking account of all the evidence accumulated over a term, including the results of standardised tests or any other tests or other assessment activities, teachers arrive at a summative assessment of pupil achievement in reading, writing and mathematics. They evaluate current attainment by considering how well children have learned what has been taught.


Standardised Tests

Standardised Tests (PUMA and PIRA and GaPS) are conducted three times for children in Years 1-6. The results of these tests inform:

  • • an evaluation of the progress pupils make throughout the year and year-on-year;
  • • moderation and benchmarking of standards and expectations across year groups within and between Trust academies;
  • • triangulation of the evidence available to inform teachers’ summative assessment judgements.




Formative Assessment

Formative assessment is used to inform teachers' planning alongside school leaders' planning for professional learning and school improvement.

Age standardised scores as well as on-going teacher assessments are recorded in FFT Aspire Pupil Tracking.

Your child’s attainment and progress within Reading, Writing and Maths will be shared with you within parent consultation meetings each term. You will receive a written report if your child’s attainment at the end of the Summer Term.


Statutory National Assessments

Within all schools in England children will undertake the following Assessments:

  • SATs are taken by children in years 2 and 6 during May. They assess within Reading, Writing, Maths and spelling, punctuation and grammar. Y6 children are also assessed in Science.
  • Results from these assessments are shared at the end of the summer term with your child’s annual report.
  • Year 1 children undertake a phonic screening check in June. These results are shared within your child’s annual report.
  • Children in Year 4 undertake a multiplication check in June which assesses recall of multiplication facts.
  • Children in Reception are assessed by the class teachers against the Early Learning Goals.