January School Closure
Information regarding school closure.
Provision for Key Workers will begin from Wednesday 6th January - a form will be shared via Parent Mail.
Dear Parents and carers,
We would like to thank you again for the love, care and support that you have been providing your child/children in the ever changing and evolving situation due to the Covid-19 pandemic. This evening, the Prime Minister has announced that schools will be closed and that assessments and exams will not take place this academic year either. We thank you for your continued understanding and support which is very much appreciated by myself, our teachers, governors and the Fierté trust. Learning at Home: Remote learning will start from tomorrow morning (Tuesday 5 th January).
Similarly to the school closure in March 2020, we will be using Teams for Years 2-6 and Tapestry for Reception and Year One. From tomorrow, key learning will be set on teams this won’t be as interactive as normal as staff will be using the time tomorrow to prepare recordings and lessons for live response lessons which will start on Wednesday of this week. Each day, teachers will continue to set learning in line with our long and medium term planning so that children can still access learning and make progress in line with their year group/specific expectations. Further details will follow this week linked to our remote learning provision and any support that may be required if you have limited access to technology. Mrs Nicholson recently shared all log on and password details with you via parent mail. If you are struggling to access teams tomorrow we would recommend using Oak Academy and or BBC bitesize websites which are excellent resources organised in to year group age ranges. You can then email school with your issues which we will aim to resolve tomorrow.
Key Worker Places at school – Commencing on Wednesday 6th January You will receive a form this evening outlining the key worker information. Similarly to the previous school closure, key worker provision should only be used if you have no other options. The criteria for key workers is included in the form. Similarly to the previous school closure, every child who can be safely cared for at home should be. Key worker places will commence from Wednesday 6th January; we require the time tomorrow to organise and set up the key worker provision so that this is set up in the safest and most effective way possible. The provision will be available during normal school hours. There will be an option on the form linked to whether you require wrap around care from Our Pride Our Joy. The form should be completed by 10.30am tomorrow so that we can then plan the provision during the remainder of the day tomorrow.
Keeping in touch/Administration: We will continue to use our usual communication routes to provide important information to parents and children regularly. This will include the class team page, school website and via parent mail. If you have any specific questions the office and Headteacher email can also be used office@dosthill.org headteacher@dosthill.org
Our Dosthill Learning Family The team spirit, resilience and kindness of everyone within our school community has really shone through during the past ten months. It remains a true privilege to work with and alongside you and your children. Our four key visions and twelve core values will continue to guide us, your children/families and community as we venture forward in to the changing times ahead. Please continue to refer to our twelve core values with your children as there will be lots to celebrate and share in relation to these in the weeks ahead on personal, local, national and global levels. Promising Academic Achievement * Ensuring Excellence for All * Inspiring Each other, Achieving Together *Crafting Character Skills for Life During the next few days we will ensure that we continue to communicate with you regularly and answer any questions that you may have. Please could we ask that you direct these via phone or email to the school office.
Once again, we greatly appreciate your support, kindness and understanding. Even though we will be working with you at distance over the next few weeks again, the children and whole school community remain in our hearts.