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Fierté Multi-Academy Trust

Our Family of Schools

Art and Design

At Dosthill Primary Academy, the intent of our Art and Design curriculum is to foster creativity, critical thinking, and a lifelong love for the arts in all pupils. We provide a high-quality art and design education that engages, inspires, and challenges students, equipping them with the skills and knowledge to experiment, invent, and create their own works of art. Our curriculum is built on the AccessArt Primary Curriculum, which offers a carefully sequenced programme to ensure progression and depth in artistic development.

Key Intent Objectives:

  • To cultivate creativity and self-expression in all students.
  • To build confidence and competence in using a variety of artistic tools and techniques.
  • To develop critical thinking through analysis and evaluation of art.
  • To instil an appreciation for the role of art in cultural and historical contexts.


  1. Curriculum Coverage: The curriculum covers a diverse array of artists, movements, themes, and techniques, ensuring that all pupils have the opportunity to explore a wide-ranging artistic landscape. This provides pupils with both practical and theoretical knowledge of art.
  2. Cross-Curricular Opportunities: We integrate Art and Design across various subjects, creating meaningful, interconnected themes that deepen pupils’ understanding of the world around them.
  3. Adaptive Teaching: Lessons are tailored to accommodate the varying abilities and interests of pupils, providing scaffolded learning opportunities to ensure every child can achieve and progress.
  4. Connections to the Art Community: Regular workshops with local artists enhance the curriculum and provide real-world connections to the art community, enriching the pupils' experience and understanding of contemporary art practices.
  5. Art Critique and Discussion: Pupils engage in discussions about their own and others’ artwork, employing art vocabulary that fosters an understanding of how art is studied, judged, and can convey meaning.
  6. Gallery and Exhibitions: We provide opportunities for pupils to showcase their artwork through school exhibitions and community projects, allowing them to experience public appreciation of their work and understand the societal impact of art.

Aligned with the Discovery Curriculum, we embed key threads like Creativity, Challenge, and Diversity throughout our Art and Design lessons. These threads encourage self-expression, creativity, and critical thinking, providing pupils with opportunities to explore how art can be a powerful medium for communication and cultural expression. Through this holistic approach, we aim to build confidence and competence in artistic tools and techniques while fostering a deep appreciation for the role of art in society.